Activities & Discussions


The Transport Planning & Traffic Engineering House (TPTE-House) is meant as a virtual and real platform to communicate, share and disseminate research, knowledge, and consultancy that can induce improvements to the planning, financing, operation and management of the transport sector and traffic systems in Egypt as well as in other countries. This is meant to promote attaining of sustainable transport & traffic environments.

Core Values:

Knowledge Sharing – Professionalism – Teamwork – Cooperation – Excellence - Innovation – Perfectionism - Integrity


To become a catalyst in achieving integrated multimodal sustainable transport and traffic systems that are efficient, fair, safe and environmentally friendly thus promoting development and growth.

Mission Statement:

To make available and provide state of the art knowledge, experience and skills in strategic planning, urban & regional planning, transport planning & traffic engineering and all related fields so as to benefit all interested parties from government, academia, consultancy, mass media and the general public.